Your Smile Poems To Make Everyone To Smile

Post Poetics
5 min readJan 16, 2021


You Smile Upon Your Friend To-Day

Poem by Alfred Edward Housman

You smile upon your friend to-day,
To-day his ills are over;
You hearken to the lover’s say,
And happy is the lover.

’Tis late to hearken, late to smile,
But better late than never;
I shall have lived a little while
Before I die for ever.


Your Smile Poems

Reason To Smile — Poem by Lendl Ian Servillon

How can one smile such sweet smiles,
When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,
How can I smile the same smiles,
When life brings me nothing but tears,

I wondered for so long,
What reason you had to smile that long,
To keep smiling though troubles come,
And still remain sweet and silently overcome,

It’s such a mystery to me,
Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,
But I’d rather you smile those at me,

I feel happy when I see you smile,
Even if I’m sad and lonely,
Your smiles bring me somewhere,
I don’t even know where,

But it was you,
You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,
To smile for a smile,

I guess life is just like that,
We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,
To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks,

I learned to smile because of you,
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue,
It proves how well and powerful,
A simple sweet smile can become so beautiful,

Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,

Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove…


Smile, Smile, Smile — Poem by Wilfred Owen

Head to limp head, the sunk-eyed wounded scanned
Yesterday’s Mail; the casualties (typed small)
And (large) Vast Booty from our Latest Haul.
Also, they read of Cheap Homes, not yet planned;
For, said the paper, “When this war is done
The men’s first instinct will be making homes.
Meanwhile their foremost need is aerodromes,
It being certain war has just begun.
Peace would do wrong to our undying dead, —
The sons we offered might regret they died
If we got nothing lasting in their stead.
We must be solidly indemnified.
Though all be worthy Victory which all bought,
We rulers sitting in this ancient spot
Would wrong our very selves if we forgot
The greatest glory will be theirs who fought,
Who kept this nation in integrity.”
Nation? — The half-limbed readers did not chafe
But smiled at one another curiously
Like secret men who know their secret safe.
This is the thing they know and never speak,
That England one by one had fled to France
(Not many elsewhere now save under France).
Pictures of these broad smiles appear each week,
And people in whose voice real feeling rings
Say: How they smile! They’re happy now, poor things.


The Made To Order Smile — Poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar

When a woman looks up at you with a twist about her eyes,
And her brows are half uplifted in a nicely feigned surprise
As you breathe some pretty sentence, though she hates you all the while,
She is very apt to stun you with a made to order smile.

It’s a sublte combination of a sneer and a caress,
With a dash of warmth thrown in to relieve its iciness,
And she greets you when she meets you with that look as if a file
Had been used to fix and fashion out the made to order smile.

I confess that I’m eccentric and am not a woman’s man,
For they seem to be constructed on the bunko fakir plan,
And it somehow sets me thinking that her heart is full of guile
When a woman looks up at me with a made to order smile.

Now, all maidens, young and aged, hear the lesson I would teach:
Ye who meet us in the ballroom, ye who meet us at the beach,
Pray consent to try and charm us by some other sort of wile
And relieve us from the burden of that made to order smile.


Awake To Smile — Poem by Robert William Service

When I blink sunshine in my eyes
And hail the amber morn,
Before the rosy dew-drop dries
With sparkle on the thorn;
When boughs with robin rapture ring,
And bees hum in the may, —
Then call me young, with heart of Spring,
Though I be grey.

But when no more I know the joy
And urgence of that hour,
As like a happy-hearted boy
I leap to land aflower;
When gusto I no longer feel,
To rouse with glad hooray, —
Then call me old and let me steal
From men away.

Let me awaken with a smile
And go to garden glee,
For there is such a little while
Of living left to me;
But when star-wist I frail away,
Lord, let the hope beguile
That to Ecstatic Light I may
Awake to smile.


Times When I Smile — Poem by Sandra Osborne

You may not even know me,
Or know what I mean,
Understand my world,
Or hear me when I scream.

You may not ever see me,
Or ever touch my mind,
Because all that is real
Are only dreams in time.

Don’t try to fit me in
To your ridged mold,
All the world is free,
At least, thats what I’m told.

So please, don’t scream and worry
Or cry for me at night.
No matter how I’m different,
I will win my fight.

I will be the victor
Of all my many trials,
Because all that’s real are dreams,
And times when I smile.


A Smile For A Smile — A Tribute To All

Poem by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

What a variety of people we have here
nine to a ninety of age would be there
what a variety of poets we have here
some would paint lovely pictures
some would bring lovely music
some could paint and play music together
all of it only with words in order
some are naughty
some are just heart broken
a lot write on god
yet to see an ‘atheist’ poet here
what a variety of poets we have here

Is there a rat race here?
I admit that i visit the ‘promote your poems’ now and then
I do it to see how much iam read
I certainly want to be read
I do request a lot of poets to read me
I do respond to their requests too…that’s it
a rat race here is a shame
who can overtake whom in ‘creativity’
each one’s individuality is what matters
to me creativity would sustain humanity

I used to be writing in tamil
i used to read it to my wife and daughters
i owe it to my wife..she is my first fan
my daughters gave up tamil and took up french
when i started writing in english…they left the country itself
I think it is a boon to be read by so many
i think it is a boon to read so many
I thank every body for their support and guidance.




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Post Poetics

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